In this post I will explain how was the course in Globalia and Son Pacs. We started with a presentation about what we were going to do in these two years. The explanation was clear and concise, the teachers commented the difficulty of our studies and its importance. We have four days of class in Globalia amd one day in Son Pacs. In Globalia we learn the differents modules and we do practice to achieve the licence of aircraft mechanic. And in Son Pacs we studied English and Module 5 and 6 first year, and second year we studied FOL and RET, plus English and Module 6. Firt classes were of electricity (Module 03) where we learned about the principal properties and principles of the electricity, we learned the differents magnitudes which the electricity works. We expanded the subject with Module 04 (Electronic), where we watched the differents components which we work and cotrol the electricity like diodes, transistors, capacitors... We worked in all this concepts in the workshop, where...