In the last English class, we leraned the importance of the order of words in technical English. This consist to use a chain of words like a one compund word. So that it has logic and meaning we need have a certain order. The basic principle is that ine word is the component, and this have to go in the last place, the other words are qualifiers, these give specific information of the component, like locatation, color, function, assembly... Examples can be: door lever, fuel tanks, upper deck...

You must be careful woth your interpretation, this must be coherent, and you need to analyse the context to identificate the component. Is not the same a brake disk (a roture in the disk) and disk brake (a brake the type disk).

The "easiest" part is identificate the component, I put it in quotes because it's not really easy, the difficult is determinate wich qualifiers go first when thera are more than one. The order is marked by location, system, assembly, sub-assemply and component, For example: left engine mounting bolt washer.

We also reviewed and learned the location words like: within, rear, beyond, lower, upper, along...
The majority of them I knew it, but I learned new words and can reviewed the rest.

Resultado de imagen de location words


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