This post should be about one day in Globalia, but I would like explain my experience of this months in the world of aviation. When I came to Mallorca of Madrid, I didn't know what to do, and my uncle (who is helicopter pilot) decided to teach me the world of aviation. I went with him to Sky Helicopter and I could see the mechanics working, the first thing I saw was the tranquility and the organization of the place, the angar was impeccable and orderly. I really like the work environment. After I was looking for more information about this work, and I decided to try it. The first day, we had the presentation of the training cycle, I remember perfectly that day because all the teachers said that this work is very vocational and very hard. In that moment I was thinking "where have i gotten?", I went out scared, but I had eager to learn.
The first week I could see that I wasn't the only person who didn't have vocation for aviation, and this fact gave me peace of mind, and I thought that all is a matter of desire and effort. In the firsts classes we learned the security precautions about the tools, clothing, working...(Module 7). This is essential in all the jobs, but in aviation is most important. We had to buy a work uniform with special shoes (reinforced tip) to protect us. I like to go to class with the uniform, I don't lose time thinking what or not carry.
Next weeks we learned Electricity (circuits, resistances, simple engines, loads...)(Module 3). We started with theoretical classes to know how to work safely and well. I have studied technological baccalaureate, and this helped me to understand it better. The practical classes were very interesting, I never had worked with printed circuits before. I remember my first welding, it was so disastrous that I had to do it again. In one month we made more than ten printed circuits with differents functions, for example we made a speaker and we could connect our mobile phone. I enjoyed with electricity but the better was pass the exam at first.
When we finished Electricity we started Electronic Systems (Module 4), it is directly related with Electricity. The principal concepts of electronic are diodes and transistors. In theoretical classes we learned the differents types of each one and their functions. In the workshop we made more printed circuits buts this time with more elements and more complexity. I couldn't pass this exam, but I am ready for the next convocation.

In November we continue the module 7, learning the differents tools, their functions and the most important, how use the tools. This is very important because there are many tools and each one has an expecific use. While we studied this, we started the practise of the aluminium cube. The teacher gave our a cylinder of aluminium and we had to do a perfect cube of a concrete measure, the reason for this practice is develop and acquire hands skills. To do it, we must follow some rules with specific tolerances. In first place I cut the cylinder with a chainsaw, after I sanded the piece of metal cutted. When I finished the first face of the cube I had to saw the rest of faces, I think this was the worst part of the job.
Once cut all the sides of the cube I had to sand all faces, the difficult of this was to leave all sides parallel. All this was very hard, and I thought I couldn't finish, but with patience and dedication we could complete it.
The second part of the job was to make holes of differents measures, we must to follow concret rules to mark the cube and to do correctly the holes. Once we have marked, we can start drilling, for this we used the electric drill. And with this holes, we had to screw and reinforced them, to do this reinforcement we must braid a wire between two screws, this technique is called lockwire, and it is performed to prevent the screws loosen for the vibrations of the airplane.
In the last month of the year we started Aerodynamics (Module 8) in theoretical classes. I liked this module a lot, because it explains why and how fly the airplane. We have studied the forces acting in the plane (Thrust, drag, lift and weight) and how they should be for each moment of the flight. While we are learning Aerodynamics, we started the practices of logical doors. We studied the theory of digital techniques in Son Pacs, and we could apply this theory. The digital techniques are based in the binary code, ones and zeros. Whit this logical doors we can create complex functions, the combination of this logical doors produces integrated circuits very smalls with a specific function.
In conclusion, this five months have been incredible, I learned a lot of about aviation and abaout me. But I think that the best thing of these months is the friendships I have made. I hope to work with them in the future, they are great people.
The first week I could see that I wasn't the only person who didn't have vocation for aviation, and this fact gave me peace of mind, and I thought that all is a matter of desire and effort. In the firsts classes we learned the security precautions about the tools, clothing, working...(Module 7). This is essential in all the jobs, but in aviation is most important. We had to buy a work uniform with special shoes (reinforced tip) to protect us. I like to go to class with the uniform, I don't lose time thinking what or not carry.
Next weeks we learned Electricity (circuits, resistances, simple engines, loads...)(Module 3). We started with theoretical classes to know how to work safely and well. I have studied technological baccalaureate, and this helped me to understand it better. The practical classes were very interesting, I never had worked with printed circuits before. I remember my first welding, it was so disastrous that I had to do it again. In one month we made more than ten printed circuits with differents functions, for example we made a speaker and we could connect our mobile phone. I enjoyed with electricity but the better was pass the exam at first.

The second part of the job was to make holes of differents measures, we must to follow concret rules to mark the cube and to do correctly the holes. Once we have marked, we can start drilling, for this we used the electric drill. And with this holes, we had to screw and reinforced them, to do this reinforcement we must braid a wire between two screws, this technique is called lockwire, and it is performed to prevent the screws loosen for the vibrations of the airplane.
In the last month of the year we started Aerodynamics (Module 8) in theoretical classes. I liked this module a lot, because it explains why and how fly the airplane. We have studied the forces acting in the plane (Thrust, drag, lift and weight) and how they should be for each moment of the flight. While we are learning Aerodynamics, we started the practices of logical doors. We studied the theory of digital techniques in Son Pacs, and we could apply this theory. The digital techniques are based in the binary code, ones and zeros. Whit this logical doors we can create complex functions, the combination of this logical doors produces integrated circuits very smalls with a specific function.
In conclusion, this five months have been incredible, I learned a lot of about aviation and abaout me. But I think that the best thing of these months is the friendships I have made. I hope to work with them in the future, they are great people.
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