1. What are the names of the parts of the airplane pictured above?
A: Vertical stabilizer.
B: Rudder                  
C: Elevator                 
D: Horizontal stabilizer
E: Flaps                      
F: Ailerons                 
G: Wings                     
H: Turbine Engine      
I: Fuselage                
J: Slats                       

2. Describe the following aircraft motions
-Pitch: Up and down movement of the plane's nose on the horizontal axis.
-Roll: The rotation movement of the wing tips of the aircraft.
-Yaw: Swaying motion side to side of the nose of the plane. Moving from left to right using the rudder. 
-Loop: A complete roll.                                           
-Dive: Decrease the inclination of the nose.
-Climb: To go up ( movement of plane).
-Lift: A forcé wich pushes the plane up.

3. What are the functions of the parts of the airplane pictured above?

A. Vertical Stabilizer: Controls the yaw movement, keep the nose of the plane from swinging from side to side.
B. Rudder: Directs the tail left or right. Changes yaw movement.
C. Elevator: Changes pitch.
D. Horizontal Stabilizer: Controls the pitch movement. The up and down movement of the nose.
E. Flaps: Increase lift and drag.
F. Aileron: Rol the wing from side to side.
G. Wings: Flat Surface wich generate lift.
H. Turbine Engine: Generate trusht.
I. Fuselage: Holds everything together.
J. Slats: Increase the lift.

4. Wich parts are used to control lift at low speed for takeoff and landing?

Slats, Flaps and Spoliers.

5. Wich parts, installed one to each wing, operate in opposite directions (i.e., one up and one down)?


6. If the part in problema 4 on the right wing is up and the one on the left wing is down, what Will the airplane do?

The airplane roll to the right.

7. If the pilot lowers the elevator, what will the airplane's tail do?

Tail goes up.

8. What will this in turn cause the airplane's nose to do?

The airplane's nose goes down.

9. If the pilot moves the rudder to the left, what will the airplane's tail do?

The airplane's tail goes to the right.

10. What will this in turn cause the airplane's nose to do?

The airplane's nose goes to the left.

11. What motion Will occur in an airplane with the elevator deflected up and the rudder deflected to the right?

The airplane goes up and turn right.

12. What is a spoiler?

They are surfaces that are at the ends of the wings and they change lift, drag and roll


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