
Showing posts from September, 2018


1. What are the names of the parts of the airplane pictured above? A: Vertical stabilizer. B: Rudder                   C: Elevator                  D: Horizontal stabilizer E: Flaps                       F: Ailerons                  G: Wings                      H: Turbine Engine       I: Fuselage                 J: Slats                        2. Describe the following aircraft motions                                   -Pitch: Up and down movement of the plane's nose on the horizontal axis. -Roll: The rotation movement of the wing tips of the aircraft. -Yaw: Swaying motion side to side of the nose of the plane. Moving from left to right using the rudder.   -Loop: A complete roll.                                            -Dive: Decrease the inclination of the nose. -Climb: To go up ( movement of plane). -Lift: A forcĂ© wich pushes the plane up. 3. What are the functions of the parts of the airplane pictured above? A