
Showing posts from March, 2019


 According to Bernoulli's theorem,  In any ideal fluid (without viscosity or friction), incomprehensible, in laminar regime of circulation through a closed conduit, the energy that has the fluid remains constant throughout its entire journey. In our case we will focus in the pressure. There are two types of pressure, the static and the dynamic, and the addition of these will be constant in all of points of the route. The dynamic pressure depends of the density and the velocity, and this velocity increase when the fluid of air passes by the narrowing formed in the top of the wing, this increase of the velocity lowers the static pressure, and this difference of pressures between the top and the bottom of the wing is the fact what makes it fly. The difference of pressure varies according the profile of the wing, we can take into account: -Leading edge: the edge more advanced. -Trailing edge: the edge more delayed. -Chord: line that links the leading edge with the trailing ...